2 Best Sights in Namibia

Namibia Craft Centre

On Tal Street in the old breweries building behind the Avani Windhoek Hotel and Casino, the Namibia Crafts Centre offers beautiful and unique pieces of work. Dozens of stalls showcase the work of more than 1,500 rural craftspeople, and include items such as fine woven baskets, original beadwork, distinct Caprivian pots, handmade contemporary jewelry, eye-catching prints, and much more. 

Post Street Mall

At this open-air market known for its colorful sidewalk displays of curios, crafts, and carvings of all kinds, international tourists and businesspeople rub shoulders with Herero women in full traditional Victorian dress. Keep an eye out for the meteorites mounted on slender steel columns. These meteorites hit the earth during the Gibeon meteorite shower, which rained down some 600 million years ago, the heaviest such shower known on earth.

There are some curios and beadwork on sale here but be sure to check out the sidewalk curio market farther down on Independence Avenue.