3 Best Places to Shop in Kashgar, The Silk Road

Handicraft Street

Running alongside the Id Kah Mosque is a narrow lane known as Handicraft Street. In either direction you'll find merchants selling everything from bright copper kettles and wedding chests to Uyghur instruments and wood carvings.

Wusitang Boyi Lu near Jiefang Bei Lu, Kashgar, China

Sunday Market

Kashgar's famous Sunday Market consists of two bazaars with a distance of almost 10 km (6 miles) between them. The Yengi Bazaar on Aizilaiti Lu (Aizerete Road), about 1½ km (1 mile) northeast of the city center, is open every day, but on Sunday the surrounding streets overflow with vendors hawking everything from boiled sheep's heads to sunglasses. In the covered section you can bargain for decorative knives, embroidered fabrics, and all sorts of Uyghur-themed souvenirs. Behind the bazaar, rows of sleepy donkeys nod off in the bright sunlight, their carts lined up neatly beside them. For the best photos, however, you'll need to head over to the Livestock Market, a 20-minute taxi ride northwest of town. Every Sunday, farmers here tug recalcitrant sheep off their trucks, scarf-shrouded women preside over heaps of red eggs, and old Uyghur men squat over baskets of chickens, haggling over the virtues and vices of each hapless hen. In the market for a camel? You can buy one here. In the small shops surrounding the market you can get an Old World–style straight-razor shave from a Uyghur barber or grab a bowl of laghman noodles, knowing that it's flavored with meat that is very, very fresh.

Uyghur Musical Instruments Workshop

At this shop you can watch the owner or his apprentice working on Uyghur string instruments—stretching snakeskin or inlaying tiny bits of shell to make a Uyghur guitar called a ravap.

272 Kumudai'erwazha, Kashgar, 844000, China

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