1 Best Sight in Viti Levu, Fiji

Suva Municipal Market

The largest municipal market in the South Pacific is a fantastic place to take in the local atmosphere. Row after row of stalls are laden with produce, clothes, shoes, and handicrafts. Brightly colored bins of spices dot many tables and, outside, women sit on blankets under tarps to stay cool amid their goods. The roots and weighing scales upstairs comprise the widest selection of kava in all of Fiji. As with most municipal markets in the country, it's beside the bus station and the majority of goods come, along with their owners, fresh from the countryside daily. Throughout the market, the Fijian and Indo-Fijian sellers are generally patient and happy to chat.

Usher St. and Rodwell Rd., Suva, Fiji
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Free, Closed Sun., Mon.–Sat. 8–5