1 Best Sight in Barbados

Barbados Turf Club

Horse racing is a big part of Bajan culture, and "going to the races" is an event for everyone. The races are administered by the Barbados Turf Club. Races take place on alternate Saturdays throughout the year at the Garrison Savannah, a 6-furlong grass oval in Christ Church, about 3 miles (5 km) south of Bridgetown. There is also occasional night racing. Important events include the Sandy Lane Barbados Gold Cup, held in late February or early March, and the Boxing Day Races on December 26. You can watch for free on the grounds or pay for tickets, which vary in price according to where you sit—in the Chandler stand, the grandstand, or the VIP grandstand (grabbing a seat up close on the grounds/field with a picnic is also an option). Regardless of where you sit, you can't help but get caught up in the energy and excitement of the events.