6 Best Sights in Isabela, Rincón and the Porta del Sol

Guajataca Forest Reserve

Explore karst topography and subtropical vegetation at the 2,357-acre Guajataca State Forest, between the towns of Quebradillas and Isabela. On more than 46 walking trails you can see 186 species of trees, like royal palm and ironwood, and 45 species of birds—watch for red-tailed hawks and Puerto Rican woodpeckers. Bring a flashlight and descend into the Cueva del Viento (Cave of the Wind) to find stalagmites, stalactites, and other strange formations. At the forest entrance there's a small ranger station where you can pick up a decent hiking map (get here early, as the rangers don't always stay until closing time).

Rte. 446, Km 10, Isabela, 00662, Puerto Rico
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Free, Ranger station closed weekends

Palacete Los Moreau

In the fields south of Isabela toward the town of Moca, a French family settled on a coffee and sugar plantation in the 1800s. The grand two-story house was immortalized in the novel La Llamarada, written in 1935 by Puerto Rican novelist Enrique A. Laguerre. In the novel, about conditions in the sugarcane industry, the house belonged to his fictional family, the Moreaus. Although it doesn't have many furnishings, you can walk through the house and also visit Laguerre's personal library in the mansion's basement.

Rte. 2, Km 115.9, Isabela, 00676, Puerto Rico
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Free, Closed Tues. and Wed.

Playa de Guajataca

Near this beach is El Tunel de Guajataca, part of an old tunnel used by a train that once connected the towns of Isabela and Quebradillas and transported sugarcane. Just before El Tunel is El Merendero de Guajataca, a picnic area with cliff-side trails. This is not a swimming beach due to strong currents, but it's a great place for walks and photo ops. Amenities: none. Best for: walking.

Off Rte. 113, Isabela, 00662, Puerto Rico

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Playa Jobos

Famous for surfing, this beach also has a couple of restaurants with oceanfront decks. Down the road, the gorgeous dunes and long stretches of golden sand are great for walks or runs. Route 466 runs parallel to the shore, and there's parking and beach access along the way.  Next to the large rock formation is a strong riptide that drags people out to sea. The water is only about thigh high, but when the wind changes, the current is like a raging river. There are no lifeguards, no signs, and no roped-off areas, so be sure to stay close to shore. Amenities: none. Best for: partiers; surfing; walking.

Rte. 466, Isabela, 00662, Puerto Rico

Playa Montones

Not far from Playa Jobos, this is a beautiful beach for swimming; it has a protected natural pool perfect for children. Amenities: none. Best for: swimming; walking.

Rte. 466, Isabela, 00662, Puerto Rico

Playa Shacks

Known for its surfing and horseback riding, this secluded spot also has an area called the Blue Hole that's popular with divers. It is east of the Villa Montaña beach resort, where you can stop in for a great meal at the oceanfront restaurant, The Eclipse. Amenities: none. Best for: snorkeling; surfing; swimming; walking.

Rte. 4446, Isabela, 00662, Puerto Rico