1 Best Sight in Stamford, East Anglia

Burghley House

Fodor's choice

Considered one of the grandest houses of the Elizabethan age, this architectural masterpiece is celebrated for its rooftops bristling with pepper-pot chimneys and slate-roof towers. It was built between 1565 and 1587 to the design of William Cecil, when he was Elizabeth I's high treasurer, and his descendants still occupy the house. The interior was remodeled in the late 17th century with treasures from Europe. On view are 18 sumptuous rooms, with carvings by Grinling Gibbons and ceiling paintings by Antonio Verrio (including the Heaven Room and the Hell Staircase—just as dramatic as they sound), as well as innumerable paintings and priceless porcelain. Capability Brown landscaped the grounds in the 18th century; herds of deer roam free, and open-air concerts are staged in summer. Brown also added the Gothic-revival orangery, where today you can take tea or lunch. More contemporary additions come in the form of the aptly named Garden of Surprise and the adjacent Sculpture Garden, filled with imaginative creations, water jets, and a mirrored maze. Burghley is a mile southeast of Stamford. The house often hosts private events on weekends, so it's worth checking that it's open before visiting.

Off A1, Stamford, PE9 3JY, England
Sights Details
Rate Includes: House and gardens £20; gardens only £13.50, Closed Nov.–mid-Mar., Fri. in mid-Mar.–Oct., and wk of the international Burghley Horse Trials (late Aug. or early Sept.)