4 Best Places to Shop in Bordeaux and the Wine Country, France


With fourteen stores in Bordeaux alone, Baillardran is going to be hard to walk by without at least looking in its windows at those sweet delights, canelés de Bordeaux. Much like a Doric column in miniature, the small indented, caramelized cakes, made with vanilla and a dash of rum, are a delicious regional specialty.

Fromagerie Deruelle

For a grand selection of cheeses—along with raw milk, smoked-sea-salt butter, bulk honey, and all things creamy and tasty—stop in at Elodie Deruelle's shop, Fromagerie Deruelle.

Jean d'Alos Fromager-Affineur

For an exceptional selection of cheeses, go to Jean d'Alos Fromager-Affineur.

4 rue Montesquieu, Bordeaux, 33000, France

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La Fabrique Pains et Bricoles

Want Bordeaux's best bread to go with your cheese? Get in line. Apparently, the word's out about La Fabrique Pains et Bricoles because the queue is out the door at this fine bakery—and that's always a good sign.