2 Best Restaurants in Uspallata, Wine Regions

El Rancho


This spit-and-sawdust-style eatery has monster-size steaks, irresistible BBQ smells, and cheap wine by the jug. If you've had a long day in the mountains and need a place to refuel, old-school El Rancho is open daily for lunch and dinner, it also serves coffee and snacks outside of mealtimes.

RN7, Km 1147, Uspallata, 5545, Argentina
Known For
  • big portions
  • comfort food
  • reliable choice in the mountains

La Juanita

This colorful spot is known for its large dishes of warming pasta, succulent local trout, and king-size milanesas. Decor is minimal but service is warm, and there are splendid mountain views.