1 Best Restaurant in Vicuña, El Norte Chico

Delicias del Sol


Just outside of Vicuña is the small settlement of Villa Seca that has attracted attention in Chile due to their use of solar-powered ovens. Delicias del Sol is one such restaurant serving Chilean-style lunches and desserts all cooked outside beneath the sun's rays. While the meals themselves can be a bit hit-or-miss, it's a worthwhile experience see how Chile is embracing the region's overabundance of sun in eco-friendly ways. Desserts are especially good here. Try the ice-cold papayas in their juice, leche asada (a roasted and toasted milk flan) and the ultra-Chilean classic mote con huesillo (dried peaches cooked in sugar, water, and cinnamon with husked wheat).

Chiloe 164, Vicuña, Chile
Known For
  • ice-cold papaya juices
  • sun-baked fudge brownies
  • unique, eco-friendly dining experience