3 Best Sights in El Norte Grande, Chile

Lago Chungará

Fodor's choice

A contender for the best viewpoint in Chile, this roadside lake sits on the Bolivian border at an amazing altitude of 4,600 m (15,100 feet) above sea level. Volcán Parinacota, at 6,330 m (20,889 feet), casts its shadow onto the lake's glassy surface. Hundreds of flamingos make their home here. There is a CONAF-run office at Lago Chungará on the highway just before the lake.

Lagunas Cotacotani

Fodor's choice

About 8 km (5 miles) east of Parinacota is the beautiful Laguna Cotacotani, which means "land of many lakes" in the Quechua language. This string of ponds—surrounded by a desolate moonscape formed by volcanic eruptions—attracts many species of bird, including Andean geese. 

Altiplánico Lakes: Miscanti and Miñeques

At more than 13,000 feet above sea level, these lakes are in a completely different climate than San Pedro below. The altiplánico has much more moisture in the air and while that means you are likely to experience rain and snow in certain seasons, it also means the area is alive with color and wildlife. The pastel-color backdrop is picture-perfect with the large blue lagoons and volcanoes in the distance. The largest of the lagoons is Miscanti, at 4,350-meter-high (14,270-foot-high), which merits a few moments of contemplation and is one of the prettiest spots in Atacama (on a sunny day). The smaller lake, Miñeques, is equally spectacular and is home to wildlife like vicuña and huge flocks of flamingos. The altiplánico lakes are usually a full-day excursion from San Pedro.

Laguna Miscanti, San Pedro de Atacama, 1410000, Chile

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